Snow White with the Red Hair
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime


Shirayuki is a typical herbalist in the Tanbarun kingdom with one distinctive quality: her stunning red hair, which draws a lot of attention. Shirayuki was taught to always be cautious while revealing her hair in unfamiliar settings and to tie it up with a red ribbon because of the color of her hair. She became an independent young woman as she grew older. Prince Raj orders her to become his concubine after noticing her hair. She cut her hair short and left it behind since she disobeyed his demands. She fled to the nearby kingdom of Clarines since she realized he was only interested in her because of her distinctive hair color. On the trip, she makes friends with Mitsuhide and Kiki, the two assistants of Prince Zen Wistaria. Raj gives Shirayuki an apple that Zen accidentally eats, poisoning her. Zen manages to get the antidote and decides to go to Clarines with the others. Shirayuki soon succeeds on the exam to be trained as a royal court herbalist in the palace. Shirayuki settles in Clarines, where she works as a court herbalist and makes friends with Ryu, the youngest herbalist. Prince Raj acknowledges his feelings for Shirayuki and sets out to become the perfect prince for her. Despite opposition because of their social standing difference, Zen and Shirayuki finally start to fall in love with one another and have a romantic connection over the course of time. Shirayuki afterwards makes a vow to Zen to meet him at the flowery area.